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Media Inquires

All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Office at 816.268.7000. 

Board Policy KB states: “The superintendent, Board President or designee will serve as official spokespersons for the district. All employees and Board members will direct requests for official statements about district business from the public or members of the media to the district's spokespersons. Board members should emphasize to the media and members of the public that they may only speak as individual Board members unless empowered by the Board to speak on its behalf.”

Per Board Policy KB Administrative Procedure, the Raytown School District will also abide by the Missouri Sunshine Law when making records available to the public.  A link to Policy KB and its Administrative Procedure can be found here:

Board Policy KB

Board Policy KB Administrative Procedure

Per Board Policy BDDL, the District will make district records available to the public in accordance with law. Any person wishing to access records shall make a request to the custodian of records during regular business hours.

Board Policy BDDL

Per Board Policy KKB, the district has established limits on the use of recording equipment in order to minimize disruption and protect instructional time essential to improving student achievement.

Board Policy KKB

Per Board Policy KK, the Board of Education wants and expects for our students and staff to have an environment that is safe, secure and stable and conducive to learning and teaching. As such, the Board and administration will not tolerate any person whose presence disturbs classes or district activities or hinders the instructional process.  The Administrative Procedure for this policy directs procedures for visitors in buildings and on grounds.

Board Policy KK

Board Policy KK Administrative Procedure

Several guidelines will be followed when working with media:

  1. The media does have a legal right to visit our schools with permission, but there are restrictions. They do not have a legal right to interrupt class, and no staff member, student, or parent is ever required to talk to the media. Media and the general public do not require permission, however, to be on the public sidewalks at schools.
  2. All visitors, including media, are required to check-in at the front office. This is necessary to ensure student safety. When the media check in, if approved to remain on site, they will be escorted at all times while on school property.
  3. Individual interviews with the media will require parent or guardian permission, except in cases where the student is 18.