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2024-25 Calendars

175 Day Calendar - Accompanists, Elementary Building Clerks, Crossing Guards, Instructional Assistants

175 Day Calendar-Food Service Cafeteria Managers, Cooks, Rovers, catering & Warehouse Manager

175 Day Calendar- Great Expectations - Before & After School Assistants

175 Day Calendar- Transportation - Bus Aides, Bus Drivers, Driver Trainer, Van Driver

181 Day Calendar - Teachers, SLPs, Library Clerks, Music Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Social Workers, Counselors, Admin Interns (+ additional days)

184 Day Calendar - Interventionists, ISS Supervisor, LPNs, Building RNs

186 Day Calendar - HCC Teachers, Lead Social Workers, Curriculum Coordinators (Elem , Elem Math, Elem Science, Elem SS, Sec Library, Sec Math, Social Studies)

191 Day Calendar - Spec Ed Assessment Coordinator, Library Media Specialist, Curriculum Coordinators (Behavioral Support, Fine Arts, K-12 Counseling, Sec Comm Ars, Sec PE, Sec Practical Arts, Sec Science, SpEd, Elem Chorus), Business HS & Career Placement, School Psychologist

196 Day Calendar - Head Start family Advocate, Library Clerk -HS, Counselor -HS, MS, & RSA, Head Start Education Coordinator

200 Day Calendar- Great Expectations - Before & After School Care Coordinators

200 Day Calendar- Nurses RN - District Nurses

203 Day Calendar - Secretary 10 ( HCC, HS, MS), Secretary to Principal (ELEM, ECH, NW)

203 Day Calendar- Residency - Residency Security

213 Day Calendar - Parent Ed, Secretary to Principal- MS, Counselor HCC, Principal (ECH, NW, RSA, Elem, MS, asst. Principals ( RSA, CA, MS)

223 Day Calendar - HS Principals and Asst. principals, Coor Real World Learning

248 Day Calendar - ADMIN (Business Operations, Communications, Nutrition Services, HR) RSECC (Student Support Services, Technology, C&I, Copy Clerk- District, Receptionist, HS Registrars and Principal Secretaries, Transportation (Dispatchers, Director, Secretary), Warehouse Coord., Student and Family Programs, HCC Director, 12 M Coordinators

260 Day Calendar - Facility Operations, Transportation Asst. Director, Custodians, Fitness Center Asst Dir and Director, Mechanics, Shop Supervisor