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Parents As Teachers (PAT)

Parents as Teachers (PAT) Offers Developmental Screenings

The Raytown School District's Parents As Teachers (PAT) program will offer free developmental screenings to children ages three to five years old. These scrreenings are a quick and easy way to give parents/guardians valuable information about how their child is developing in motor, language, social & cognitive areas. Hearing & vision screenings are also included in this free service. 

Screenings for children 36 months through kindergarten age take place at New Trails Early Learning Center. PAT currently has openings for screenings July 29th - 30th and August 3rd - 6th (as well as throughout the school year).

Parents/guardians receive a personal conference and written summary of the screening results. During the conference, suggestions will be given for activities to enhance the child's learning.

Please call 816.268.7202 to schedule your appointment.

For more information, please visit PAT's website.