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Legal Notices

Statute 167.020 - Student Enrollment

Statute 167.670 - Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program

Policy IGCD: eligible students may enroll in virtual courses offered through the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP). The district will accept all grades and credits earned through district-sponsored virtual instruction and MOCAP. The district will pay the costs of a virtual course only if the district has first approved the student's enrollment in the course as described in policy IGCD.

Notice To All Employees And Students Regarding Discrimination And Harassment
Non-Discrimination Statement
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act

Student Records (Directory Information)

Healthy Children & Youth: Missouri Medicaid
504 Public Notice

504 Employment Nondiscrimination
Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs
Senate Bill No. 656

Policy GBCBB-AF1

Nonpublic School Participation in Services through the Coronavirus Aide, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Information for families writing checks:

All checks returned Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) will be electronically debited for the face value of the check plus a returned processing fee as allowed by state law.

Special Education Services

Procedural Safeguards for Children and Parents
Special Services Department Public Notice
Parents Bill of Rights

Accessibility Statement

The Raytown C-2 School District is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability.

 If you use assistive technology and have trouble accessing information on our website, please contact the Raytown Schools Webmaster at the following e-mail address: When requesting assistance via e-mail, please write 'Accessibility' in the subject line. If you are hearing-impaired and use a teletypewriter (TTY), you can contact us at 816-268-7000 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.) for assistance. 

Every reasonable attempt will be made to solve your concern. In order to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please include the following when communicating with our office:

  • A description of your accessibility concern
  • The format in which you prefer to receive the materials
  • The web page address of the requested material
  • The best way to contact you

As part of this initiative, we are committed to a regular review of our web pages and we will incorporate improvements to the site, as appropriate, to better serve all users. We welcome your questions and suggestions on ways to improve this site's accessibility. 

Some documents on this website are in a Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to improve viewing some of these files, the Adobe website provides a free service to convert Acrobat PDF files to other formats, including text and HTML. Adobe's web-based tool will quickly change an Acrobat file into an HTML file or a text file. The online PDF conversion form is available on the Online Conversion Tool for Using Adobe Acrobat PDF. With this tool, users can read PDF files with a screen reader. Adobe and the Trace Research Center also offer a free Acrobat conversion service that converts PDF files to text or HTML format by sending your request via e-mail. You can access this service at the Online Conversion Tool for Using Adobe Acrobat PDF website.