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Keeping Drinking Water Safe

Keeping Drinking Water Safe

This webpage provides information to keep our school community fully informed about the safety of our water systems. Testing is currently underway and we will be posting results as they become available

Per the new Missouri "Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Act," a new law to ensure safe drinking water in all school districts throughout the state, the district hired a professional environmental consulting firm to conduct lead testing for all drinking and food preparing ( cooking/cleaning) water sources in our school buildings. 

Testing has identified water sources in our district with lead concentration at or above the new five (5) parts per billion (ppb) (5 micrograms per liter) standard. The 5 ppb level now required by the state is below the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA"s) recommended action level of 15 ppb. 

Test Results & Summary

Blue Ridge



Laurel Hills

Little Blue




Spring Valley


Raytown Middle School

Raytown Cental Middle School

Raytown South Middle School


Raytown Success Academy 

Raytown High School

Raytown South High School 

Facility Operations 

Wellness Center

Transition House


Administration Building 


Is there a safe level of lead in drinking water?

According to the EPA, lead is harmful to human health at any level. Young children, infants and pregnant people are particularly vulnerable to lead because the toxic metal can have a greater effect on young people than adults. Lead exposure in children can result in behavior and learning problems, lower ID and hyperactivity, slowed growth, hearing problems and anemia. The following resources provide information about health effects of exposure to lead in drinking water.

What should I do if I'm concerned about lead exposure?

Contact your health provider: Individuals should always seek advice about drinking water from their health care provider. A healthcare provider can help determine if a child should have a blood test for lead. The Jackson County Health Department has additional FAQs on this topic on its Lead Exposure & Testing page. KCHD programs also include testing for lead exposure. Learn more.

Call the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Hotline: This hotline is a resource for those seeking information about lead or water contaminants. EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline - 1.800.426.4791

Does lead in water pose a threat if not consumed?

According to the EPA, skin does not readily absorb lead in water; therefore even if lead were present, actions such as handwashing do not represent a health risk even when hands have minor cuts or scrapes.