Challenge Gifted Program
Raytown Quality Schools' state-assisted gifted program, Challenge, is designed to meet the needs of academically gifted children in first grade through sixth grade.
Mission Statement
The Raytown C-2 School District is committed to an educational gifted program that recognizes the unique value, needs, and potential of each student. Our differentiated program is designed to challenge students by fostering a learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and social-emotional learning. Our program also provides a safe place to fail and learn from mistakes. Gifted students will take a more active role in their education by helping drive the curriculum based on their interests, giving them a sense of responsibility and ownership of their education. Projects will encourage creativity and will allow an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and abilities. Successful participation in our program will ensure students aspire to be life-long learners, become and remain productive and contributive members of their communities, and embrace inclusion.
Elementary Program (1 - 5 grade)
Dr. Lynn Tarvin, Director of Student Programs
The elementary program consists of three components:
- Weekly pull out component in which the children travel to the Challenge Center one day a week to work with other gifted children and the Challenge teachers.
- Reach-out component in which Challenge teachers work with gifted students and classroom teachers in regular schools.
- Resource component in which the Challenge teachers provide support, training, and materials to classroom teachers.
Elementary Challenge Teachers are Felicia Storm and Megan Finlay.
Contact Phone: 816-268-7292
Contact email:
Middle School Program (6th grade)
Students enrolled in the middle school program:
- Attend a regular Challenge class in their school to work with other gifted children.
- Challenge teachers work with students one class period daily.
- These students receive a letter grade for their work in Challenge class.
Middle School Challenge Teachers:
Raytown Central Middle School: Susan Miles
Raytown South Middle School: Natalie Kane
Raytown Middle School: Crissy Young
Advanced courses are available for 7th and 8th-grade students who qualify.