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Foster Care

  • All foster placements will need to contact the District Foster Liaison, Michele Eagle, at or 816-268-7031 to initiate the enrollment process at the start of each academic year or when any placement change occurs. 

    Pursuant to ESSA (Every Student Succeed Acts) every time a student's foster placement changes a Best Interest Determination (BID) is required to ensure enrollment in the Raytown School District is the most appropriate placement at the time.  This determination must be made prior to the foster placement provider contacting the residency office for enrollment.

    Once the BID is completed and it is determined enrollment in the Raytown School District is or remains in the best interest of the student, the foster placement provider will be connected to the Residency Enrollment Center to complete the enrollment process.  Each foster placement provider will be required to make an appointment with the Residency Enrollment center to sign paperwork, provide required or updated residency documentation, and complete online enrollment.

    In order to fully support all foster students, foster placement providers and case managers are asked to immediately notify the District Foster Care Liaison of any changes to placement, case worker, or additional authorized adults who would need access to a student’s record or have contact with the student.  

    In an effort to support this we ask that an email is sent to to notify of any of the following changes: 

    • Foster student is removed from a home
    • Case Manager is changed
    • Supervisor is changed
    • Foster student needs to have additional authorized adults (ex:  parent aide, additional case manager, CASA worker, etc.) added to the student profile
    • Updates and/or changes to any court orders which would impact placement and/or any limitations/no contact for biological parents/guardians

    Case managers are welcome to contact the District Foster Care Liaison for information about the student and/or to connect with appropriate staff at the building level.

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