Elementary School
Elementary School
Summer Session Dates: May 30th - June 27th, 2024 - No School June 19th
Online Enrollment: March 14th - May 3rd, 2024
Online Enrollment for Students Not Currently Attending a Raytown School closes on April 26th, 2024.
Students are enrolled on a first come first served basis.
Questions? summerschool@raytownschools.org • 816-268-7037
The Raytown C-2 School District provides a summer program for every student free of charge. This program is designed to give all students a strong start to the fall semester. The Raytown C-2 School District provides a summer program for every student free of charge. This program is designed to give all students a strong start to the fall semester.
Summer Enrichment Camp is a fun, interactive, educational program for students entering kindergarten through 8th grade in the fall of 2024. The program is designed to help students maintain the skills they acquired during the regular school year and help them obtain new skills for the following school year.
Students in Grades K-5 will engage in fun and exciting hands-on STEM projects and PE, in addition to mathematics and communication arts.
Click here to enroll / Haga clic aquí para inscribirse
Enrollment Instructions
2024 Locations: Two elementary attendance areas will attend one elementary school.
Blue Ridge will host students from Norfleet and Blue Ridge (8:30 am - 3:35 pm)
Spring Valley will host students from Westridge and Spring Valley (9:05 am - 4:10 pm)
Fleetridge will host students from Little Blue and Fleetridge (9:05 am - 4:10 pm)
Laurel Hills will host students from Eastwood Hills and Laurel Hills (9:05 am - 4:10 pm)
Southwood will host students from Robinson and Southwood (8:30 am - 3:35 pm)
Northwood will host students from Raytown Success Academy and Northwood (8:30 am - 3:35 pm)
Enrolling in the Correct Grade Level
Students should enroll in the grade level they will be entering in the fall of 2024. For example, a child eligible for kindergarten in the fall will enroll in Kindergarten. A current 3rd-grade student will enroll in Summer Enrichment Camp for 4th Grade.
Incoming 2024-2025 Kindergarten students
Parents of incoming Kindergarten students will need to provide proof of birth, parent/guardian photo ID, and proof of residency.
Transportation & Schedules
Routes for summer school will be available by logging into the transportation infofinder on the district web page after May 29, 2024. No additional routing will be done after the enrollment deadline (May 3rd).
Bus transportation is only available for students who live outside the parent responsibility zone.
Student schedules and transportation information will go out the last week of school.
Summer Enrichment Camp Curriculum
Students will study exciting core subjects and participate in PE and STEM.
Before/After School Care
Great Expectations Before and After School Care (GE) is a fee-based program providing extended day services for elementary school-age children during Summer Enrichment Camp. Services are not mandated and participation is voluntary (terms and conditions apply). Registration and fees are done online at www.raytownschools.org on the Great Expectations website or by visiting www.ezchildtrack.com/greatexpectations. There is a $25 single - $35 family non-refundable/ non-transferable registration fee. Before and after care is available on a space available basis. Contact the GE business office at 816-268-7086 or email greatexpectations@raytowschools.org for more information. Great Expectations registration opens on April 1.
Food Service
Breakfast and lunch will be free for students attending Summer Enrichment Camp. Lunch and breakfast will continue to be served in accordance with current USDA nutritional guidelines. Students will still have the opportunity to purchase a la carte items. A la carte pricing can be found in each café and can be located on the Raytown Food Service web page. Charges will not be allowed during Summer Enrichment Camp for a la carte purchases. Click here to view school menus.
For Students Not Currently Attending Raytown Schools: GOOGLE FORM ENROLLMENT
Parents who reside in the Raytown School District and have a student not currently attending Raytown Schools must complete the Students not Currently Enrolled in Raytown Schools Google Form (click here).
Summer Boundary Exception Form 2024 (en español)
- Completed packets must be submitted to the Summer School Office by April 26, 2024.
- A separate Safe Schools Form must be completed and signed by the student’s current principal and emailed to summerschool@raytownschools.org.
Questions? Email us at summerschool@raytownschools.org.
Questions? Email us at summerschool@raytownschools.org.